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by SAMANTHA DENIS July 17, 2024
Summer is here, and it’s time to adjust our hair care routine. Every season, take a look at your hair care lineup and swap products in and out. Our hair responds differently to environmental elements and as the seasons change and present new hair stressors, our products or product schedule should change, too!
It’s summer! That means heat, chlorine, salt, humidity, and UV rays. Here’s our two-cents on UV protection for your hair, hair care in summer, hair habits in summer, hydration tips, how to protect your hair from the sun and everything in between.
1. Hydrate Your Hair x 1000!
Get on a GOOD hydration schedule. Pick a day and use a clean hair mask (Juice Drench, of course) 1-2 times a week. The more you hydrate and quench your strands, the more they’ll thank you with pretty air-dries, enhanced shape and healthy shine. The heat and signature summer elements can dry up our hair and leave it feeling dull and brittle — regular clean hair-masking with Juice Drench will be well worth it and will have you locking in moisture on the regular.
2. Protect Your Hair From UV Rays
This might be an unpopular opinion, but I don’t think the sun is the ultimate hair enemy. I think as long as we are using clean products that are helping maintain good hair and scalp health, and clean hair masking regularly, the sun is not the number one culprit. Surrre, we don’t want to bake our hair all day, but truth be told, it’s really the salt, chlorine, and the sweat that’s building up on our scalp from summer heat. Sweat and build-up that are just left to build-up on our scalp is a way bigger hair threat than too much sun and UV rays. Protecting your hair from the summer elements starts with a good clean product line up and a regular rinsing off of build-up.
3. Minimize Heat Styling
This is an all-season-long thing, but especially in the summertime. Summer hair is already taking a hit with seasonal elements, so minimizing heat styling will help out big time. When we overuse heat styling tools, we make our hair weaker and more prone to damage. So embracing natural texture is going to be your best bet during summer months. Try to minimize heat styling, rock natural summer hair styles like a slicked back bun, loose braids and pretty air-dries, and if you do decide to heat style, use a gentle, clean leave-in conditioner before styling.
4. Combat Frizz By Embracing It :)
Humidity happens, it’s Summer! The trick is not to use anti-frizz products and try to combat frizz — the real flex is using products that are CLEAN, stop drying out strands with conventional chemicals, so your hair is healthy (but really) and embrace your natural shape and sweetness of the frizz. The healthier your hair, the less frizz. Regular hair-masking with Juice Drench and rinsing with A Quick Clean (instead of scrubbing all the time) will help combat frizz naturally, by making your hair healthier overall.
5. Protect Hair from Saltwater and Chlorine
Regular swimming in pools and the ocean will expose your hair to chlorine and saltwater, which can be very drying. Before swimming, wet your hair with clean water and apply Juice Drench. It will act as a leave-in conditioner and barrier between your hair strands and the salt or chlorine. And so important — after swimming, rinse your hair thoroughly and use a clean shampoo and conditioner (I use Juice Drench for conditioner) to really get all the build-up off. I apply Juice Drench to my hair and both of my daughter’s hair before every pool or beach day — and before swim lessons!
6. Summer Hair Trims
Don’t just wait for back to school! Regular trims are essential during the summer to prevent split ends and keep your hair looking fresh and healthy with lots of movement. Schedule trims about every 6-8 weeks to maintain your healthiest hair. For a healthy hair maintenance schedule, I like a trim to start the summer, a dusting half way through, and a nice healthy trim in September.
7. Stay Hydrated
Hydration is crucial for your hair! Drink plenty of water to keep your hair hydrated from the inside out. Proper hydration helps maintain the health and shine of your hair. This is my favorite way to hydrate from within for the ultimate summer hair hydration:
I fill up my thermos with lots of ice! Then fill mostly with filtered water and finish it off with organic coconut water. I squeeze in a full lime and throw in 2 scoops of Armra Colostrum — shake it up and drink it up.
8. Protect Color-Treated Hair
If you have color-treated hair, the summer sun can cause your color to fade. You’re going to want a good summer hat to help prevent hair color fading, and you’re also going to want to scrub less with shampoo, and rinse more with A Quick Clean. Also, apply Juice Drench as a leave-in before pool and beach days to create a barrier between your hair shaft, hair color, and salt and chlorine.
Taking care of your hair during the summer months is all about protection, hydration, and using the right clean products. By following these tips, you can enjoy healthy, shiny, bouncy hair all season long! Follow along @allyoos to see how we’re taking care of our hair this summer!
by SAMANTHA DENIS September 10, 2024
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