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by SAMANTHA DENIS October 06, 2023
I’m so glad slick back buns are finally having a moment — a classic hair look, for sure.
Juice Drench was literally made for this look. Since day one we've been all: put it on, slick it back — work, workout, run errands, pick up the kids — and rinse later.
I want you to slick-back-bun in the cleanest, gentlest, most non-toxic way possible — here are my two cents:
No one wants to wait around for a hair mask to work in the shower — and hair masks that work super fast are loaded with harsh chemicals or hidden technology. We don’t want this sitting and soaking on our hair and scalp, yuckie.
Not all hair masks are created equal. Hair masks are infamous for containing silicones, especially this one: cyclopentasiloxane. Pro tip, when you’re reading ingredient labels, you’ll be able to tell if there are silicones in the formula because they are usually words that end in “cone.” If a product contains cyclopentasiloxane, you’ll probably see this big, long, ugly word on the label. Silicones sit on top of the hair and block moisture from penetrating. They leave the hair shiny, reflective, coated, and sealed, which really does a great job of mimicking repair. Silicones block moisture from penetrating the hair shaft — and with regular use and overtime, hair will actually become drier and even more brittle, porous, and damaged.
Hidden complexes and technology are another little hair mask trick for conventional brands. We need to be able to see ingredients on the label, any label — and especially for a leave-on product like a hair mask — something sitting and soaking on our hair and scalp. Proprietary complexes and technology that are not listed on the label feel passé to me. I need the whole ingredient label spelled out. I want to see everything that’s in the formula. So do yoo.
Instead of using gels, mouses, pomades, and pretty much any styling product besides a clean hair oil to slick back your bun, use Juice Drench. If your hair is up anyway, you might as well have a treatment in it.
Juice Drench was specifically formulated to be the anytime, anywhere hair mask. I want everyone who uses it to be able to live their whole life in it, do their whole day in it, do the damn thing in it — and rinse later.I know how people feel about hair masks: you forget you buy them, you forget to use them, they take too long to work in the shower, you don’t think you need one because you’re hair is healthy — and if your hair needs repair, you think you need a hair mask as almighty powerful as Olaplex, and so on.
Hair masks are *such* an important part of any hair care routine! A clean, gentle one like Juice Drench can totally help transform and bring out the best in your hair. So tomorrow, when you’re slick-back-bunning, use your new bestie, Juice Drench. AND TELL ALL YOUR FRIENDS!
by SAMANTHA DENIS September 10, 2024
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